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Nicole Walsh Creative


Our son placing ornaments on the Christmas tree, making me grateful to experience small moments like this.

Reflecting on all there is to be thankful for may seem cliche on/around the holidays, but I find that this should be a daily reflection, not simply annually. If we wait to do it once a year, we neglect to take notice of many daily occurrences that there are to be grateful for.

Practicing gratitude truly changes our attitude. I have found this true in my own life. In times that I am not taking time to journal and not only reflect on, but write down my many blessings, I find that my attitude, if it is not already in the pits, will quickly go there if things do not go the way that I anticipate or expect.

When I am actively journaling things I am grateful for, my eyes and heart are open to noticing more blessings throughout the day, my attitude is better, I am a better wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter, and entrepreneur. When I focus on what I am thankful for, it replaces negative thoughts and does not leave for them.

The smiles & joy that come from these two is an immeasurable gift.

This practice of journaling started when I was in high school, when I shared with a priest that I was struggling with negativity and I wanted to repent from it and change it. As a perfectionist, I tend to struggle with being critical, which can quickly spiral out of control. The priest challenged me to start journaling at least three things I was thankful for every day. The only guidelines he challenged me with were to think of DIFFERENT things every day. While I could be grateful every day for family, provisions, life, he challenged me to look for three unique things to be grateful for daily.

This practice truly changed my life, and I will be forever grateful for not only the grace that this priest showed me, but also the love he displayed in challenging me to not remain where I felt I would always be stuck.

While my journaling has evolved over the years, I still try to practice writing out gratitudes consistently when I journal. And if I’m honest with myself, I can tell (and my family probably can too) when I’m not practicing this habit. Writing out gratitudes truly helps me to remember them, and it is incredible to go back and reflect on the blessings I’ve been given.

Today, I am grateful for the quiet time I had to reflect today (which is a rare occurrence with two very active children under 2), our kids smiling and giggling at each other, having a delicious meal with family at a beautiful restaurant overlooking a lake with mountains in the distance, having some quality time with my husband in the middle of basketball season, and having the opportunity to serve the team.

What are you grateful for?